WCOM-Group | Together we are more
WCOM-Group’s mission is to produce cost-effective and better HVAC service to the construction industry with the power of three companies: LVI-WaBeK, Wa-Plan and Metec Oy.
HVACA and electrical wiring design and quantity surveying
We produce HVACA and electrical wiring design where optimizing products while listening to customers provides clear surplus value.
We always implement a high quality service entity by listening customer wishes while noticing prices with custom made products, installation time and life cycle.
We always make an impact that provides a clear profit to our customers!
More than just HVACA planning!
Profitable HVAC wholesaling with SuperService since 2004
A high quality and safe product range includes 20000 product names ready to instant deliveries.
Our products are available to customers 24/7 in our online store Wa’Shop , 24/7 Wa’Center -stores or 24/7 Wa’Cont – stores.
Our service’s core is in the patented SuperService concept that consists of Finland’s first 24/7 HVAC wholesale stores Wa’Centers, 24/7 Wa’Cont- and Wa’Store -warehouses and a logistics concept Wa’Truck.
More than just a wholesaler!
Measurement of water consumption and apartment conditions
The most reliable solution to apartment-specific environmental measurements.
Automatically and remotely readable water meters, conditions measurements, reporting and analytics are the core services of our company.
Metec’s well known certainty of delivery is the sum of precise and reliable components and on-site implementation of meters.
More than just hydrometry!